So, what is
Dopamine is an extremely powerful neurochemical that influences every thought and action. If we understand it and deliberately manage it, dopamine is our friend. But, left to run unchecked in our brain and body, dopamine can make life anything from difficult, to disappointing, to a disaster. Anytime there is inappropriate behavior, from a rude or inflammatory remark to violent conflicts, out-of-control dopamine is running the show.
And, we’re swimming (or drowning) in a sea of dopamine. We get the dopamine rush from
fear, anger, conflict, fats, sugar, novelty, risk, worry,
and so much more. Most of these strong emotions are easily accessible on-line, corner convenience store, or even service station mini-mart!
It’s at the core of personal relationships, health and success. It pulls strings in business, politics, media, and marketing. It plays a central role in education and social issues, from domestic violence to global terrorism. And, it is highly addictive. Understanding and selectively managing dopamine is essential for the brain you need and the life you want to live!

Directions for using toothpaste and shampoo? Yes. A User's Manual for operating our brains - the most complex machine on the planet? No! Still, all of us in “human suits” are expected to take on life's challenges as if we were programmed to know exactly what to do.
That leaves most of us with high expectations and little or no training to deal with everything from worries about upcoming surgery, exams, and relationship problems, to traumatic histories of serious abuse, abandonment, and conflict, that can influence, and often undermine, what we say and do.
Now, Brain Coaching with D.C. McGuire can directly address these difficult stressors. It's all about using brain science to undo past damage, and then selectively train the brain to move ahead in healthy, satisfying directions. This is accomplished by re-wiring the brain to enhance its performance, emotionally, intellectually, physically, financially, academically, and in any other area of life that's causing concern or is blocked from success.
The client is provided with straight forward insights and techniques to take control brain activity, to effectively make decisions, manage emotions and behavior, relax, sleep, relate positively to others, and generally enjoy a healthier, happier quality of life. Sessions focus on brain re-patterning exercises, based on recent findings in neurochemistry and from brain scanning technology. Very little talking is involved.
The aim is to quickly move away from dependence on the Coach - no prescriptions, special equipment, or long-term appointments needed. The goal is to reach a new level of individual empowerment. Based on neuroscience research, this is entirely realistic.
D.C. McGuire’s Brain Coaching presents a potential breakthrough for the progress of humanity. A population of coherently functioning brains would be a game changer, individually and for civil society. If you’re ready to manage dopamine to your advantage Contact D.C.