About D.C. McGuire
D.C. (Donna-Christine) McGuire’s background includes 19 years of neuroscience research, primarily dedicated to the neurochemical, dopamine. She uses straightforward explanations and examples to practically apply this powerful brain chemical for highly successful, healthier outcomes, personally, professionally, and commercially.
D.C. does trainings and speaks widely about her findings on dopamine’s previously unknown influences that is now scientifically understood to drive every aspect of our thinking and behavior. Her presentations apply new insights and skills for more effective relationships and decision making in business, especially sales, marketing, and corporate culture.
With new brain-related strategies, she also explains how to overcome challenges, in politics, education, and around community issues. With just basic instructions, and a few strategic tools, tips and hacks, participants are guided to Skilled Brain Management, and leave with the advantage of a major tactical edge in any situation.
In individual brain coaching, D.C. translates new findings in neurochemistry and brain scanning technology, into related brain re-wiring techniques that are the basis of her innovative work, addressing anxiety, stress, trauma.
Her academic background includes a graduate program in psychobiology at Wellesley College and MIT. She also holds a graduate degree in clinical psychology.
DC. serves on the National Advisory Board of the Union of Concerned Scientists, and enjoys skiing, tennis, sailing, kayaking, and painting.
Her forthcoming books on Skilled Brain Management are, Richer, Thinner, Smarter, Easier, Using the Dopamine Advantage, and a 5-volume series of books for children, The Brainy Books of Wow, with Dr. Wow, and Buddy the Wonder Cat, for young readers, ages 3-18.
More About D.C.
D.C. McGuire inspires and motivates participants with important brain-related discoveries and how to benefit from their application in the “real world “challenges. With an entertaining, practical approach, D.C. McGuire uses the latest neuroscience data and metrics to shine a penetrating light on many of the most complex issues in business, politics, education, health, media, relationships, and society – including violence.
Students, educators, parents, firms, associations, think tanks, and organizations with varying interests, are empowered to be healthier, happier, and more successful, individually and collectively.
Making decisions or setting policy without an understanding of what dopamine is up to in the brains of everyone involved, is analogous to doctors making diagnoses without the benefit of microscopes, and scanning technology.
Understanding dopamine gives informed individuals, and organizations the advantage in negotiations, innovation, problem-solving, and consensus-building. Wouldn’t you prefer to be the one pulling your own mental, physical, and emotional strings?